Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Be the first to try out the new auction site BigValueDepot...Register http://tinyurl.com/cekbvp .... Then Buy or Sell .... contact me for free listing voucher... Check out the Store Site... http://tinyurl.com/c3taul Hewitt Enterprises "Offering Opportunities & Alternatives" http://www.hewittenterprises.net/

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A big business phone presence at a small business price…

The most effective tool, hands-down, for transforming every single aspect of your small business communications is a virtual phone system. Why? Because a virtual phone system offers you a simple, inexpensive, and efficient way to connect with your customers…while saving you a HUGE amount of time and effort. What’s more, a virtual phone system allows you to enhance your small business’s image and create a “big business” phone presence…but without the hassle and pain normally associated with such systems…and at a mere fraction of the cost.

The system I have been using for some time now is the iTeleCenter™ virtual phone system, and it has literally changed the face of my small business. I truly believe it can do the same for you.

A FULL ARRAY OF GREAT TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOOLS IN ONE UNBEATABLE AND AFFORDABLE PACKAGE Over 50,000 small business owners have discovered the leverage, power, and dependability that iTeleCenter™ provides. With iTeleCenter™ you’ll get an unbeatable package that includes stellar features like private toll-free number, voice mail, multiple extensions, send/receive faxes online, enhanced call forwarding, and customizable music-on-hold…to name just a few of the over 30 features available.

And it all starts at just $9.95 per month!

Click below to learn more and to take iTeleCenter™ for a full-featured, no-cost 14-day test drive… [http://www.sysnito.com/?crid=43406&linkID=126]

Here’s to your continued small business success!

AND iTeleCenter™ also offers the best referral program in the business. All you need is 3 active referrals and your service is free! [http://www.sysnito.com/?crid=43406&linkID=126]

Hewitt Enterprises Offering Opportunities & Alternatives http://www.hewittenterprises.net/

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Marketing Yourself To Professionals

So you have a great voice, excellent writing skills,and the ability to design terrific websites? These skills can make you a killing! These are only a few of the talents that can lead you a hefty financial boost in income by using them to help people online looking for your skills! Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could get work on demand and never have to work for an employer ever again? Don’t you deserve that freedom? All you need to do is find your niche in the online freelance market place, set your business up online looking professional and do your own thing. There are literally thousands, even tens of thousandsof jobs available for the tacking at the very moment I’m writing this. Have you ever thought of becoming a voice over artistfor TV, radio, eBooks, web ads or maybe even the movies? I have the secret that will lead you straight through those doors to success. In no time, with the help of "Quick Cash Flow Freelancer", you could be on your way to making a small fortune as an online freelancer! If you can follow a few simple steps you are already on your way to starting up your own profitable freelancing enterprise today! All of the secrets mentioned above (and many more) are revealed inside the tightly packed pages of "Quick CashFlow For freelancers". Check it out here: http://fastfreelanceriches.com/?rid=20 To Your Success, Don't you think it’s time for you to start collecting nice paychecks on the skills you already posses? Just visit this page and you’ll get all the information you need: http://fastfreelanceriches.com/?rid=20 Hewitt Enterprises Offering Opportunities & Alternatives http://www.hewittenterprises.net/

Monday, March 23, 2009


I got a free memorable web address for my Facebook profile so you can just type it in or bookmark it and get straight to my profile. My new address is http://profile.to/estellahewitt You can choose your own address at http://apps.facebook.com/webaddress

Monday, March 9, 2009

HewittEnterprises' WebSite

Hello eveyone!....Hewitt Enterprises' Website is up and running. Check it out http://www.hewitenterprises.net. It's offering Products, Services & Business Opportunities. Stop by and send feedback....tell me what you think. It will be greatly appreciated. EstellaH http://www.hewittenterprises.net

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Looking To Grow Your Business?

I just came across this cool new freeebook and I thought maybe you could benefit from it too. It's called Successful Business Blogging and it's a step by step guide on how to easily use blogs to generate more business for you! You can download it for free here: http://successfulbusinessblogging.com/?rid=238 Anyway I just read it and I'm very excited about all the stuff I'm going to start implementing in my business. I also bought the one time offer, it was such great value. Be sure to check it out Happy Blogging http://successfulbusinessblogging.com/?rid=238